SHZ-Tagesseminar Ladungssicherung
The driver, vehicle owner and loader are equally responsible for correct load securing. Therefore, it is important that all persons who load or transport goods have the appropriate knowledge of correct load securing and can prove it. In our 1-day seminar you will receive exactly these contents in a practical way
Target group:
All persons responsible for securing loads, i.e. entrepreneurs, fleet managers, warehouse employees, drivers, shipping employees, purchasers of securing materials.
Seminar content:
- Practical examples, accidents and their consequences
- legal aspects and responsibility
- Physical basics
- Packing and loading unit formation
- Handling of special cargo
- Lashing equipment and accessories for load securing
- Cargo securing method
- Calculation for correct load securing with auxiliary means
- Factory tour -> How are lashing straps manufactured and tested?
- How to recognize high quality lashing straps
Cost: 350 € per participant incl. Lunch
Certificate: Certificate of participation with proof of expertise
Next date: 28.11.2023 08:30-17:00 (other dates on request)
Sehr gerne unterstützt Lukas Kramer Sie bei allen individuellen Fragen und Anregungen rund um unser Seminar für Ladunssicherung. Alternativ können Sie Ihre Frage auch über das Kontaktformular senden. Das SHZ-Team setzt sich anschließend schnellstmöglich mit Ihnen in Verbindung.